As he stumbled into camp, he dropped the wood and started to build the fire. It wasn't until after he blew the wood into a blaze that he realized that he was all alone. Neither Sky nor Sakura was there at the campsite. Maybe they had gone out to help Dar'yl with his catch. Quynn decided to wait for a while. There was no point in getting worried though something deep down told him Sky would have sent word to him to tell him what they were doing.
Ten minutes passed and Aggar and Deja came back with the full water skins. Aggar looked around and noticed Sky was missing. Then he realized Sakura wasn't there either.
"Where's Sky and Sakura?" He asked.
"With Dar'yl I think." Quynn said unconvincingly. "I think they went to help carry his catch."
"Are you sure?" Deja asked. "Dar'yl never seemed like the type of hunter that would need help."
"He didn't tell you they were going?"Aggar asked him. "That doesn't sound like Sky."
"No." Quynn said. "When I came back to camp, they were gone."
"Call him. I think you should check. Just to make sure."
[Sky, Where are you?]
[Don't be mad at me.] Came his answer. [Yas Twospears came in and he said he knew where Astan is. Sakura insisted that we go.]
[You know better than to leave like that without letting me know. This could be a trap. You should have waited for us all to get back!]
"What did he say?" Aggar asked worried. He knew from the look on Quynn's face they were talking.
"They're following a lead to Astan." Quynn told them. "Someone came in while we were out and Sakura wants to check it out."
"It could be a trap." Deja said. She grabbed her pack and put it back on. "Where are they now?"
"What's going on?" Dar'yl said as he came in with a string of white backed ducks around his neck. "Where is Sakura?"
"Someone named Yas Twospears came into camp and said he knew where Astan is." Aggar told him. "Who is he?"
"A lying weasel of a Chimp." Dar'yl snarled. "Sakura is in trouble.
"Sky is with him." Deja said. "Quynn's talking to him now."
[Where are you? We'll come get you.]
[No.] Sky said, [Don't. Sakura needs to do this himself. He's feeling down on himself. If we get in real trouble we can't handle, I'll call you]
[You're sure about this?]
[Yes Love. He needs a shot of confidence. This should do the thing.]
[What should we do while you're gone?]
[Go to Basolos.] Sky suggested. [If this is a ruse, and I think it is. We still need to know where the Gorilla city is.]
[OK.] Quynn sent. [I love you Little Bird.]
[I love you to Dragonwolf.]
"So where are they?" Dar'yl asked. "I'm ready to go."
"We're staying here." Quynn said as he picked up the string of ducks and started to de feather one. "They don't need our help. Sakura needs to do this himself."
"Are you crazy?" Dar'yl shouted. "Those damned Monkey's could kill him?"
"I don't think so." Aggar shook his head. "Sakura is a born warrior, he can take care of himself against a few Chimps."
"And if there's more than a few? What if the whole tribe is there?"
"Dar'yl." Quynn said. "Calm down, Sky is with him. He won't let anyone hurt him."
"It is not Sky's job to protect him. It's my job and if he gets hurt, I have failed. I have to go find him."
Quynn stopped and put down the duck, He knew a little about responsibility. His cousin Ranjer use to feel exactly the same about him. He would never let Quynn do anything by himself. He was always there to protect him and make sure he didn't fail at anything, until the day he had to face Per Lhoris and Janx Develos alone. After beating the spider and defeating the Witch hunter, Ranjer finally accepted that Quynn didn't need him for protection, but he would always need him as his cousin. It was time Dar'yl learned that lesson.
"Dar'yl." Quynn took him to the side. "Sakura is in a place in his life where he has to stand on his own. He has faith in you, but he also needs to have faith in himself. He has to fight his own battles. His battles and Astan's. King Yonas described him as a pampered little princeling. He has to prove to himself that that's not him anymore. He can't do that if you keep running to his aid. Let him do this. If he needs us, Sky will call and I promise you I'll get us to him in a matter of minutes."
Dar'yl thought about what Quynn had said and deep in his heart, he knew he was right. It was time for Sakura to be the king Dar'yl knew he was meant to be. He had to trust him this time to fight his own battle.
"I know you're right." Dar'yl said as he relaxed and sat down. "Sakura can take care of himself and it's time I let him do it. But it's not easy stand aside while he's in danger. I've been at his side for so long. But it has to be done. So what are we doing?"
"You're getting some well deserved rest." Quynn picked up the duck to finish what he started. "After dinner, Aggar and Deja are going into Basolos to find out where the Gorilla's are. I'll keep watch."
After a dinner of wild duck and vegetables, Dar'yl shifted to his lion form and found a comfortable place and fell asleep. Quynn had a short conversation with Aggar to explain what he thought they needed, then shifted to Dragon and took his place on watch. Nothing would enter the camp while he was there. Aggar and Deja left their weapons in camp with their packs and headed down for the village of Basolos.
As they approached, they saw a re-enforced wall of bamboo surrounded the village with tall torch towers arranged every 20 to 25 feet around the perimeter. At the gate stood two Pumen warriors armed with long spears. Aggar and Deja walked down to meet them. As they approached, the two warriors raised their weapons to stop them.
"Halt! Identify yourself!"
"I am General Aggar Fen of Tir Na." They raised their hands to show they were unarmed. "This is my daughter Deja. We are here to talk with your chief about a very important matter."
"Unal Metana is very busy." The younger warrior shouted. "He doesn't have time to talk with a Human. Go away!"
"I am not a Human." Aggar shifted to his Man-wolf form and howled. Then Deja shifted. "You shouldn't judge people by their looks. Human's are just as trustworthy as Pumens or Pantherens. You have to give all people a chance before you judge them."
"You speak wisely." The second older Pumen said. "And you should listen before you speak. Go inform my father he has visitors."
"Yes sir." The warrior opened the gate and hurried into the village.
"My apologies." The older guard said. "You must forgive the impetuousness of the young. He is eager to please and he hasn't had any experience with the other races of Aspana and the world. Unal will be here shortly."
"Maybe it's time to allow some of the young to visit other places." Deja suggested. "I know I enjoyed my days in Eventide and Dree, and I learned a lot about acceptance."
"Perhaps you are right." Una said. "I will suggest it to the council. I think father will agree."
Just then the door opened and Unal Metana stepped out to greet his visitors. Una introduced himself then his father to Aggar and Deja then stepped aside to let them talk.
"What can we do for you strangers?" Unal asked.
"I am General Aggar Ren of Tir Na." Aggar bowed. "My daughter and I are here representing Prince Sakura of Panthera on a very important matter. I'm not sure if you know, but Prince Astan of Tigaress is missing. We think he's been kidnapped by slavers and they are holding him hostage. But we don't know where. We come to you because Sakura remembers a story about his father helping the Pumens. We thought you might have some idea where the Gorillas might be."
"The city you are looking for is called Domina." Unal explained. "It's about a day as the crow fly's west of here buried deep in the jungle. The Gorilla you are looking for is Igoro Baba, master of that city. Beware, he is very dangerous. I have been fighting him and his warriors for years."
"Thank you Unal." Aggar as he reached out to shake his hand. "Prince Sakura will be happy to hear this."
"There is something else." Unal said. "Prince Sakura is not the only one looking for Prince Astan."
"Yes." Deja nodded. "We know. Mulu Amin wants him too. We have to get there first. That's why we should hurry."
"There is another." He said. "He was here a few days ago on his way to the Gorilla city."
"Who?" Aggar asked him.
"King Msia." Una said with a smile. "Prince Sakura's father."
Aggar stood there staring with his mouth open. He couldn't believe what Una had just said. Sakura had said his father had died defending the city from a massive Hyenen attack many years ago. How could it be possible for him to have been here a few days ago?
"Are you sure it was King Msia?"
"I am without a doubt." Unal said. "He spoke to my people of the attack when we first met years ago. It was him, I am sure."
"And he went to Domina after Astan?"
"Yes he did." Unal said. "He wishes to bring Yonas his son home safely."
"Thank you Unal." Aggar said eagerly shaking his hand. "We have to get back with this news. Sakura will be pleased."
"Tell Msia I will be prepared if he needs my warriors. All he has to do is send a signal and we will come.
"We will tell him." Aggar bowed. "Forgive us, we must hurry back. Myumbo."
With that said, Aggar and Deja shifted to wolf and ran off back to find Quynn and the others.
[Father!] Deja sent. [Msia is alive!]
[Yes Princess. We have to hurry!]
[Why, what's the hurry?]
[Because when he mentioned Msia, the Star started to vibrate. I think I know who gets it now. Don't mention Msia to the others, but we have to find him quick.]
Sky was tired as he followed Sakura and Yas Twospears through the dark jungle. He had been walking all day and half the night when they stopped to make camp. He had thought he was going to get time to rest when Yas dropped down out of the trees and convinced Sakura that he knew where Astan was being kept. Sky thought he was lying. He suspected Yas was leading them into a trap, but Sakura didn't want to take the chance that he was telling the truth. He couldn't take the chance and pass on what Yas was saying. This was Astan's life, and that was way to important to gamble on.
With Yas in the lead, they followed close behind moving as fast as the could. It was a two hour run when Yas took them to a set of caves near the border of Mancoro. Sakura could smell the scent of Hyenen all over the area. The smell was making him nervous and jumpy. He almost expected Hyenens to come charging out of the caves at any second.
[I don't like this.] Sky sent to Sakura. [I'm getting a very bad feeling.]
[I can't turn away.] Sakura sent. [Astan might be in one of these caves. If he is, we have to save him.]
"The one you want." Yas pointed to the caves. "He is in one of these caves."
"Which one?" Sakura asked as he raised his eyebrow. Sky stepped out to look into the three caves. He didn't see anything except some drag marks in the ground in front of two of the caves. Sakura looked closely at Yas to see if there was any deception in his eyes. He couldn't tell what was on the Chimp's mind, he just looked at him with his big brown eyes.
"They were hiding here." Yas said. "That is all I know. See the drag marks? There is your evidence."
Sakura sniffed the air trying to locate Astan's scent or the scent of the Gorillas. But all he smelled was musk of the Hyenen. The only way he would know for sure would be to go in and search each cave.
[What do you think?] Sakura asked Sky.
[I think this is some kind of trap.] He answered. [I think there's someone or something in there waiting for us.]
[We stay together.] Sakura reached back and pulled his sword free. [It better be Astan or Yas will pay for his deception. Yas goes first.]
"Show us." Sakura said to the Chimp. "You lead us in."
"Me? This is not my responsibility. This a task for the prince of Panthera. I wait here."
"Oh no!" Sky poked him in the back with his frosty touch. "You bought us here, you go first or I'll freeze you right here and smash you to bits!"
Sakura grabbed the spear off the Chimp's back and pushed him toward the cave.
"Get moving."
Yas stumbled forward then looked back at them. Sakura was growling deep in his throat and holding Oblivion out at Yas as it glowed with power.
"Without my weapon?"
"I said move!" He shot a small burst of energy at Yas's backside. The Chimp jumped with a yelp and
stumbled into the cave shaking. Sakura and Sky followed him in letting their eyes adjust to the darkness of the cave. Yas shook as he slowly moved in. Sakura wasn't sure if it was the Gorilla's he was scared of, or something else. Suddenly Sky heard something move behind him. He turned just as a great brown and white striped Bear jumped out of the darkness and swung a paw at his head. Sky ducked and sent a stream of freezing cold at the floor beneath the Bears feet. It slipped when it took it's next step towards Sky and fell heavily. Sky formed a long spike of ice and as the bear fell, he drove it down into the back of its neck. Its howled in pain then rolled over and tried to get up, but the spike had broken its neck. All it could do was lay there and whimper. That's when the rest of the clan attacked.
Brown and white striped warriors came running out of tunnels to attack them. Some in bear form and some in Human warrior form. Yas screamed for them to attack. Sakura kicked him in the back and sent him sailing right into the rush of oncoming bears. He was trampled to death as Sakura pointed Oblivion at them and blasted them.
"Astan's not here. Let's get out of here!"
"Right behind you!" Sky shouted. Together they ran on through the cave sending blast of cold and energy behind them. The Bears threw spears and rocks charging on after them. As they reached the cave entrance, Sakura turned and blasted the roof of the entrance caving in the entire cave and burying the savage bears. Sky stepped forward with his hands raised looking to see if anything survived the cave in. Sakura reached out to Sky scaring him for a second.
"Its over." Sakura said as he tried to sooth Sky's mind. "You can relax. None of them got out."
Sky turned to look at Sakura with panic in his eyes. "You're wrong. It's not over. Look!"
Sakura turned behind him. The trees were full of Chimpanzee's with glowing eyes. Sakura walked out to the tree line to confront the Chimps.
"Your king is dead." He shouted. "He betrayed my trust in him and led me into a trap. I have no quarrel with the rest of your tribe. You can fight me and die, or you can leave us in peace and regain my friendship. The choice is yours. Make a decision now."
Wikur, a gray furred Chimp in dark shorts and vest jumped down and walked over to them. He bowed to them before saying anything.
"My apologies Prince Sakura. Yas Twospears over stepped his place in the tribe. He was our leader, but we were all against this attack. That is why no brothers were here involved in the attack. We will not attack you, we are your allies and we will be there when you need us."
"Thank you Wikur." Sakura bowed. "I accept your apology and I will remember. Now I have to go find Astan and bring him home.
"Maybe we can help with that." Wikur waved down another Chimp warrior.
"How?" Sakura asked.
"This is Mustasi." Wilkur introduced the young Chimp. "He was in the jungles far south taking his rite of the warrior trials when he saw Gorilla's escorting a Tigaren. I think that was Prince Astan. He can tell you where they were."
"I am in your doubt." Sakura grabbed his hand and shook in vigorously. "I thank you for your help."
"Mustasi will tell you all he knows. Myumbo my friend, and bahati nzuri."
The trip south to Domina was quiet. No one said very much, they all kept to themselves. Quynn talked to Sky while they walked. They told him all about the trap and that only Yas and a clan of savage bears had been responsible. But Sakura didn't believe that. He knew someone had to have put Yas up to it. Yas didn't have the intelligence or a reason to attack Sakura. There had to be someone much more powerful behind him. It had to be Mulu Amin. Only he could scare the Chimp into betraying them. Then Quynn told him what the Pumen had told Aggar about Domina and the Gorillas. How they had been raiding their village and stealing the Pumen young for years. How they had built a wall around their village to protect themselves from any further Gorilla raid. Unal gave them directions to find Domina and promised to answer Sakura's call if he needed their help. Sky said he and Sakura would meet them on the journey south. He sent his love to Quynn and broke their contact.
From Basolos, they traveled south out of the Tigaress jungle and through a small part of the Pantheren savanna and into the dark jungle of Mancoro. With Dar'yl in the lead, he kept his senses open for any sign of Hyenans on their trail. After the night of walking, they dodged two Hyenan hunting parties and one group of Gorilla's escorting a string of slaves to the city. Quynn pointed to them then signaled Dar'yl to stay on their trail. He had to go find Sakura and Sky and bring them back. With luck, Dar'yl should have followed the Gorillas to their city by then.
As Aggar watched Quynn slide away into the jungle, Deja stopped to message him.
[What should we do?]
[Msia should be close.] He said. [I think this star will hatch soon. We should try and find Msia.]
[How?] She asked. [How are we supposed to find a king that has been lost for almost 10 years? He could be anywhere.]
[We don't. We let the star find him. It knows who it wants and where to find them. We follow the star, this way.]
[Wait Father.] Deja grabbed his arm to stop him. [That means leaving Dar'yl alone out here with no back up, I can't do that.]
[I understand Princess.] He smiled and touched her face. [You're so much like your mother, I see it more everyday.]
[Then you know why I'm staying?]
[Yes.] He said as he kissed her cheek. [Keep him safe. I'll be right back.]
With his knives on his back and the egg in his coat, Aggar Ren ran off on his own to search out and find the King of Panthera.
Astan sat quiet in his cell meditating. He could feel Sakura was near and he wasn't alone. He had friends with him. Good friends that he could count on. Astan knew Dar'yl was out there somewhere close. He was almost never to far away from the Lion prince. But that wasn't it. There were others, strangers. Four people from a far off land and Sakura trusted them all.
One was hot and fiery. He was quick, hot temper and fast on his feet. He was the leader of the men from New Keanna, the land of the Dragons. Sakura called him Quynn and his mate was Sky. Sky was very different from Quynn. Sky had a more easy relaxed attitude. He loved nature and anything that grew from the planet. He love cold weather, snowball fights and making love by a fire to his mate Quynn. Astan just knew he was going to love these new friends.
Standing off in the distance, Dar'yl watched as a lovely young warrior maiden came walking over to him and started to talk to him. This young lady was the daughter of Tir Na's highest ranked military officer. This was Deja Shyael Ren, the daughter of Aggar and Sharone Ren. The princess of the Dark wolf clan of Tir Na. With his eyes closed he could see her in some of her pass battles beating back the enemies of the clan. Her sword clashing as she engaged her enemy. She was a formidable warrior. But there was someone missing from this group. The elder and most experienced of them all. Deja's father Aggar the General. Where was he, Astan wondered as he settled back to wait and see who got to him first. Goren, Igoro, Sakura or Mulu Amin. He prayed for Aspana's sake that it would be Sakura or Goren, or the world was going to be in real trouble.
Running at full speed, Aggar charged in through the jungle. A Hyenan jumped out to block his path. Aggar pulled his knives, growled and leaped at the Dogman. The Hyenan pulled his club and raised it at the Man-wolf. Aggar slammed into and stabbed down slicing through his arm cutting the tendons and muscle. As the Hyenan fell, Aggar grabbed him by his neck and with a quick jerk, he snapped it silencing the Dog man. As he dragged the Hyenan to a heavy row of growth, Aggar hid the body and looked around to see if there was any more Hyenan out there spying on him. He could hear the sound of shuffling footsteps somewhere out there close to him. Aggar kept low with his knives ready for the attack. As he looked out, three Hyenan came stalking out through the bush. They stopped and listened, then one pointed to the north urging a companion to go search there while he sent the other to the left and he kept on coming straight in. Aggar kept low as the Hyenan silently moved in towards him. Picking up a small rock from next to him, Aggar tossed it causing the Hyenan to jump and turn his attention back the way he had just come from. With the Hyenan turned, Aggar reached out and grabbed him by his muzzle and pulled him back. He slipped his knife in through his back piercing his heart. The Hyenan moaned and fell dead in Aggar's arms. Quietly, Aggar let him slide down to the ground and he pushed him deep into the mud and leaves. As he stood to get up, someone hit him from behind. Aggar fell and rolled to the side as a Hyenan attacked. He slammed his club down at Aggar missing by inches. Aggar kicked out hitting him in the leg. He fell and Aggar slammed his heel into the Hyenans stomach. Jumping back to his feet, Aggar raised his knife to finish off the Dogman when suddenly another came growling out to attack. This one was armed with a short spear. Growling, it stabbed the spear in at Aggar aiming for his chest. Aggar managed to leap out of the way almost in time. The spear grazed his side just as he jumped out of the way. Landing to the side, Aggar slashed out with his blade hoping to slice the Hyenans throat, but he missed as it stepped back and swung the end of the spear around at Aggar's head. Aggar ducked and went down spinning with his leg out to trip the Dogmen. He went down hard but rolled away before Aggar could get to him.
As Aggar stabbed down at the enemy on the ground, the second Hyenan had regained consciousness behind him. He looked up too see his companion battling the newcomer. He reached out and grabbed his club and quietly started toward the two fighting warriors. With the club raised over his head, the Hyenan snarled then fell as something slammed into his head from behind him.
Hearing the commotion behind him, Aggar knew he had to move and do it fast. He grabbed the head of the spear and spun himself around slashing out at the Dogman. The spear stabbed straight into his chest and sliced deep into his heart. Aggar kicked him away and turned to be ready for whatever was about attack his back. Behind him stood a Jackal armed with one of the Hyenan's clubs. There at his feet lay a Hyenan all bloody and broken. Aggar looked down at the Dogman then back at the Jackal standing there with the club.
"You did that?"
"Yes." The Jackal said. "Hyenan are the enemy. They have been chasing my lord all through Aspana. I will not let them hurt him again. I will protect him with my life!"
"Your lord?" Aggar slipped his knives back into their sheaves and relaxed a bit. Maybe this Jackal isn't an enemy. "My name is Aggar Ren. I'm here with friends searching for someone. Who is this lord your talking about?"
The Jackal bowed to Aggar then put down the club. He had never seen anything like Aggar before. Wolves were very rare in Aspana, there were a few in the northern temples but none down here in the southern parts of the continent. He wasn't sure if he could be trusted, but Akani was desperate for help. He had done all he could for Msia and he was still getting weaker and fading away.
"My name is Akani Azima." The Jackal said. "I am the aide and protector to the one true king of Aspana and he is hurt and needs your help. Will you help us or are we going to be fighting?"
"I will do what I can to help," Aggar said. "Where is he?"
"This way."
Akani turned and ran off into the jungle. Holding the Star in place, Aggar ran in after him. They dashed and ran through the jungle shifting as they ran into their animal forms for speed. In minutes, Akani led Aggar to the side of a mountain were he saw a set of caves. As they shifted back to their normal forms, Akani pointed to the cave on the right.
"My lord rest in here."
With Aggar behind him, Akani went in. As they moved through the cave, their eyes adjusted to the darkness. Akani led him deep into the cave. They twisted and turned until Aggar was completely lost with no hope of finding his own way out. Then there was a light from a torch burning ahead of them.
"He is here." Akani hurried on to kneel at the side of a body that lay across from the torch. Aggar went in and knelt down for a closer look. Just as he thought, it was a Pantheran Lion man. Aggar pushed the hair from his face and looked down on his face. It looked familiar. He looked just like Sakura only much older. Could this be some lost relative?
"Who is he?" Aggar asked as he looked him over.
"This is King Msia Duma. We were attacked by a Demon." Akani said. "Can you help him?"
"Give me a minute to check his wounds." Aggar said as he took off the dirty blanket that covered the king. He could hardly believe this was Sakura's father. He wondered where he had been all these years since he disappeared. "But I doubt there's much I can do. He needs a healers attention."
Aggar inspected Msia from head to toe and found there were no cuts or wounds on his body. He bent down and listened to his chest for a heart beat. It was very slow, hardly beating at all. King Msia Duma was dying and there was nothing Aggar could do about it. He looked sadly up to Akani to give him the bad news when he heard a voice in his head.
[I am for him. Put me on his chest.]
Aggar jumped when he heard the voice. He thought someone had snuck into the cave for a second, then he felt the Star crack in his shirt. He reached in and pulled the egg out as a small beak protruded out from the crack.
[Put me with Msia.]
Aggar pulled the egg from his shirt, then laid it down on his chest then got up and pulled Akani away from the king. Akani fought trying to get back to Msia's side until he saw the egg cracking on the kings chest.
"What in Rimnar's name is that?"
"The only thing that can save him." Aggar said. "Now stand back!"
As they watched, a small red lizard broke out of the shell and looked up at them. It's eyes sparkled with an amazing blaze, then it tore into Msia's chest and buried itself deep in his heart. Msia jerked, then jumped up and screamed. Akani tried again to break free and run to him, but Aggar held him tight. Suddenly Msia's body burst into flames. He burned so hot Aggar and Akani had to back away from him.
"You did this!" Akani screamed at Aggar. He grabbed Msia's sword off the ground. "You killed him! Now you will pay for your treachery!!"
Akani raised the sword and took a step towards Aggar to attack him when suddenly something roared behind him. Quickly he turned to see what was coming at them.
[Hold your sword my friend.] He heard in his head. [I'm am not dead!]
That's when the leg of a Red Dragon stepped of the flames and into the cave.
[I, Msia Duma have been reborn. I am now the Red Dragon Inferno!]
Inferno was red and over fifteen feet long with huge wings wrapped around his back. His tail was spiked from its tip all the way up along his back. He had a long dragon snort with three short horns. One on each side of his head over his eyes and a third short one just over his nose. His legs looked sturdy and powerful and his claws looked sharp.
As he stepped in closer to Aggar and Akani, the Jackal fell to his knees shaking and bowed. Aggar bowed his head in respect,
"Welcome Inferno."Aggar said. "Your Sire Terra sends his apologies for not being here to greet you. His days were long and his time had run out. But he hopes you can be a new beginning for Dragons in Aspana."
Inferno stepped out to Aggar and shifted back to Msia now dressed in red leathers and looking all healed.
"Thank you." He said as he reached out to shake Aggar's hand. "So this is what Mulu's been looking for. I think we should go thank him."